Independent Fabrication Knit-along!


Hi friends! It's getting to be gift-knitting season, so I have a little gift for all of you: a knit-along! For all of November and December, I'll be hosting a knit-along of all of the patterns from both volumes of Independent Fabrication, both on Instagram and in my Ravelry group. All of these single-skein accessory patterns make great gifts (...including for yourself), and are just the thing to warm you up as the days grow shorter and colder. To keep things interesting, I've got some great prizes, including print and digital patterns, books, and some really wonderful yarns.

The rules are simple: to be eligible for the final drawing, knit any pattern from either Independent Fabrication Volume 1 or Volume 2 between now and December 31, create a Ravelry project page, and link your project to the pattern and the "finished objects" thread in the Tightly Knit group on Ravelry. We'll also do some WIP-of-the-week and finished-object-of-the-week drawings, drawn from the Ravelry threads as well as the Instagram hashtag #ifKAL. 

Announcements, winners, WIPs, chatter, and everything else can be found in this thread in my Ravelry group, but feel free to send me a question via e-mail, Instagram or Ravelry DM, raven scroll, carrier pigeon, smoke signal, or your preferred method. :)